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St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus

WB 7th October

This week we have started our new RE topic 'Catholic Social Teaching'. We have looked at who we consider to still be marginalised in our world and what the Bible says about how Jesus and God treat 'outsiders'.

We have continued our literacy work by developing our writing using comparative conjunctions to compare and then writing amazing descriptive passages. In reading we have continued to complete comprehension work on Beetle Boy and give detailed answers. We have also studied parenthesis and how it can be used to enhance our writing.

In maths, we have worked hard to master long division!

We have finished our portraits in RE using different media-they look amazing!

In computing, we have been looking at E-safety and how we should be very careful with what information we place on public forums and messaging services.

We have continued to look at census work in humanities and how historians gain a deeper understanding of life and customs from many years ago.


RE: Reaching out to the marginalised

Reading:Comprehension work on Beetle Boy

English: Contrasting conjunctions

Maths: Long division

Humanities: Census work

SPAG: Parenthesis

Computing: E-Safety-messaging

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

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Cookham Road, Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 7EG

01628 622570