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St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus



In P.E, we have been working on shapes, artistry, partnering and circles in our dance lessons. We are exploring and describing different movements as well as observing and copying others. We have worked hard and we are now putting together our learning to create planned sequences of movements set to music. Have a look at our carefully constructed dances ending with a pose!


We looked at Clarice Cliff who was a ceramic artist and designer. In the 1920s she made brightly coloured pottery like the, 'Circle Tree,' plate. We had a go at designing our own brightly coloured plates using primary and secondary colours. 

'Circle Tree,' plate by Clarice Cliff


Our new CST is Human Dignity. We are all special, unique and made in the image of God. We thought about what makes us special.


Last week, when talking about the past and the present, we discussed old record players vs Alexa to play music. We were not entirely sure what a record player was but some of us had seen pictures once. Today, Miss Lilley brought in her Mum's portable record player and some vinyl discs to learn about. We watched as the needle went down onto the record and started playing the music. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed dancing along!

Enjoying the record player

Still image for this video

Enjoying the record player

Still image for this video

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

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Cookham Road, Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 7EG

01628 622570