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St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus

wb 14th oct

Our learning this week took us on a stinky route in Science! We were analysing different samples of faeces to see if we could tell whether the animal eats meat, plants or both! The children had so much fun and don't worry...the samples weren't real! 


In History, we were comparing three different time periods for children and focused on the leisure activities that they would do. We realised that there were still games that we played today that children used to play in both the Tudor and Victorian times! We worked collectively this lesson in our table groups!


Our R.E learning looked at the scripture 'The Goat and the Sheep', and allowed us to deeper understand God's message through this story. We looked at what it meant to be a 'goat' and 'sheep' and decided what we were as individuals. 


We also started looking at the day section of our reading book, 'Skygazers' and looked at specific vocabulary that we may find throughout the book. 



St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

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