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St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus

After School Clubs

After School Clubs - Autumn 2024

Externally Run Clubs 

These are clubs that are provided by outside agencies who are fully insured and DBS checked. They use a space in the school to teach your children amazing things. Please contact them directly if you wish for your child/ren to join one of their classes. 

Shining Star Dance - Tuesday's - Years 1-2

Little Tanks - Wednesday's - Years 1-6

Multi-Skills with Joe - Wednesday's - Years 1-4

Julie MacGregor Netball - Thursday's - Years 4-6

Football - Friday's - Years 1-6

St Mary's Wraparound care

Breakfast and After School Club


Breakfast Club offers a selection of healthy cereals, fruit, toast and fruit juice. Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am until school drop off where each child is delivered safely to their classroom. The cost of Breakfast Club is £5.00 per day.


After School Club includes a refreshment upon finishing school and a light tea such as scrambled eggs on toast, sandwiches, soup and fresh rolls. Children are collected from their class for After School Club which is open until 6pm. The cost of After School Club is £15 per day. (Gluten free, Dairy free, vegan and vegetarian options are available).


The Wraparound Care facility offers a wide range of resources and activities to appeal to children of all ages including arts, crafts and baking, board games, access to the school grounds for sports and leisure activities. There is a movie night and treat for tea every Friday (Pizza or Hot Dogs and Popcorn).


Invoices are raised at the beginning of each half term, we accept childcare vouchers and offer a sibling discount of 10% for subsequent children.


Wraparound Care is provided by St Mary’s Childcare Group. All staff are highly experienced in childcare and are trained in Paediatric First Aid and Food Hygiene. There will be a qualified leader on site at all times.


Adhoc spaces are dependent on availability. If you are interested in adhoc days please contact us to register your child so that we have their details on file in advance.


For more information, please email: or call 07789 511589.




External Users 

Storm Martial Arts

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Contact Us

Cookham Road, Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 7EG

01628 622570