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St Mary's Catholic Primary School home page

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus


Internet safety is part of our PSHE and Computing curriculum, including a whole school focus on Internet Safety day 11th February 2025. We sign post our children to access further information on our website - see below


We have led a parent session to inform parents of how best to keep their children safe online and provide information to parents on our website - see below.

Pupils have a secure understanding of how and why they should take care when they are using the internet. As one pupil said, ‘If you don’t consider online safety, it would be like leaving your front door open for anyone to come in.

Ofsted, February 2023

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Contact Us

Cookham Road, Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 7EG

01628 622570