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St Mary's Catholic Primary School home page

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus


Peace is not just the absence of war. It is part of God's nature, and a value we should all seek to live out in our daily lives. Peace comes from both justice and love and is dependent upon people understanding one another.


'...those who promote peace have joy'

Proverbs 12:20


What do we do at St Mary's

  • We take part in Friendship week and E-Safety work.
  • When we have the opportunity to represent the school, we have a duty to do so positively
  • We are taught that our actions and words are an example to others e.g. Mission leaves and STAR values
  • Student roles and responsibilities across the school.
  • We have a behaviour policy which is built upon restorative practice

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School

Contact Us

Cookham Road, Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 7EG

01628 622570